About the kids coach

Jennifer Pollard (aka The Kids Coach) is an energetic and dedicated coach and the mother of two beautifully boisterous boys. She helps children, teens and parents increase the joy love and laughter in their lives through positive change, and her unique, engaging and fun approach has established her reputation as a sought-after coach, speaker and author.
As a parent, wife and business owner she has a compassionate understanding of the challenges and demands facing modern families, and combines this practical experience with her knowledge from the fields of positive psychology, counseling and performance coaching to help children and families develop practical strategies and solutions that enable real change to occur over time.
Jennifers Passion and Inspiration
Jennifer has a genuine love of children and is deeply passionate about developing fun and creative programs that positively impact on each child's view of themselves and the world.
"In many ways, I have been in training to be The Kids Coach my whole life! It is not only and extension of who I am and what I believe but an opportunity for me to pass on what I have learned thus far, through my education and life experiences, to not only my own children but to my Inspired Kids as well. It is truly a blessing, an honor and a privilege ... and for the most part a joy as well!"
Jennifer holds a double major from Auckland University in Psychology and Management. She is a certified YB12 Coach, a Laughter Yoga instructor and has undergone intensive training as a Lifeline Telephone Counselor. She has completed many Toolbox, Triple P and Top Dog training programs and attended many personal and professional development events hosted by the likes of MindStore and Deepak Chopra.
Forever, self educating and building up her knowledge base, Jennifer has plans to undertake a Post-Graduate Diploma in Education in the near future and a Masters in Educational Psychology when her children are a little older.
As a parent, wife and business owner she has a compassionate understanding of the challenges and demands facing modern families, and combines this practical experience with her knowledge from the fields of positive psychology, counseling and performance coaching to help children and families develop practical strategies and solutions that enable real change to occur over time.
Jennifers Passion and Inspiration
Jennifer has a genuine love of children and is deeply passionate about developing fun and creative programs that positively impact on each child's view of themselves and the world.
"In many ways, I have been in training to be The Kids Coach my whole life! It is not only and extension of who I am and what I believe but an opportunity for me to pass on what I have learned thus far, through my education and life experiences, to not only my own children but to my Inspired Kids as well. It is truly a blessing, an honor and a privilege ... and for the most part a joy as well!"
Jennifer holds a double major from Auckland University in Psychology and Management. She is a certified YB12 Coach, a Laughter Yoga instructor and has undergone intensive training as a Lifeline Telephone Counselor. She has completed many Toolbox, Triple P and Top Dog training programs and attended many personal and professional development events hosted by the likes of MindStore and Deepak Chopra.
Forever, self educating and building up her knowledge base, Jennifer has plans to undertake a Post-Graduate Diploma in Education in the near future and a Masters in Educational Psychology when her children are a little older.
About inspired Kids
Inspired Kids was born first and foremost through my own personal experience, as a child, as a parent and as a coach.
As a Child
As a child and teenager my family went through many difficult transitions that were beyond my control. Through those experiences I learned a lot about myself and how to overcome the internal and external obstacles that weren't serving me. I remember what it feels like to be that child. A child who needs support but lacks the skills, confidence or knowledge to know or ask for what they need. A child who wants to reach out and step outside of her comfort zone but can't bring herself to do it. A child who wants to have the confidence to be himself and trust that others will accept them but is too frightened to take the leap. Remembering what is like to be that child gives me the ability to personally relate to each child that walks into my coaching room looking for support. To recognize and respect their personal strengths and struggles, whatever they are, and support them to develop their own inner resources.
As a Parent
As a parent, I really wanted to take a proactive approach to helping my own children develop the mindsets and skill sets that would serve them well throughout their lives. The challenge, of course, was how to do that? It was one thing, understanding the concepts and teaching them to other adults. Another thing all together, transforming those ideas into child friendly lessons that were engaging and educational. Fortunately, I absolutely love figuring out how to do that and have discovered the most creative ways to combine the best elements of positive psychology, performance coaching and play therapy into my Inspired Kids sessions.
Although we build life skills into our everyday conversations at home, having a structure and step by step process to guide us in teaching our children these essential skills has been invaluable. It sounds a little funny to say that as the creator of Inspired Kids programs but as a busy parent having everything I need right there makes it easy and enables me deliver the information in ways my children can understand and enjoy (most of the time ;0D)!
As a Coach
As a coach, the earlier we can lay foundations for success and reinforce positive patterns of thought, speech and action the better! It makes sense then to begin setting the stage early on - in childhood.
Having the opportunity and privilege to work with children and their families is a real honor and labour of love for me!
But enough from me, let's hear what the families and children I've worked with have to say!
As a Child
As a child and teenager my family went through many difficult transitions that were beyond my control. Through those experiences I learned a lot about myself and how to overcome the internal and external obstacles that weren't serving me. I remember what it feels like to be that child. A child who needs support but lacks the skills, confidence or knowledge to know or ask for what they need. A child who wants to reach out and step outside of her comfort zone but can't bring herself to do it. A child who wants to have the confidence to be himself and trust that others will accept them but is too frightened to take the leap. Remembering what is like to be that child gives me the ability to personally relate to each child that walks into my coaching room looking for support. To recognize and respect their personal strengths and struggles, whatever they are, and support them to develop their own inner resources.
As a Parent
As a parent, I really wanted to take a proactive approach to helping my own children develop the mindsets and skill sets that would serve them well throughout their lives. The challenge, of course, was how to do that? It was one thing, understanding the concepts and teaching them to other adults. Another thing all together, transforming those ideas into child friendly lessons that were engaging and educational. Fortunately, I absolutely love figuring out how to do that and have discovered the most creative ways to combine the best elements of positive psychology, performance coaching and play therapy into my Inspired Kids sessions.
Although we build life skills into our everyday conversations at home, having a structure and step by step process to guide us in teaching our children these essential skills has been invaluable. It sounds a little funny to say that as the creator of Inspired Kids programs but as a busy parent having everything I need right there makes it easy and enables me deliver the information in ways my children can understand and enjoy (most of the time ;0D)!
As a Coach
As a coach, the earlier we can lay foundations for success and reinforce positive patterns of thought, speech and action the better! It makes sense then to begin setting the stage early on - in childhood.
Having the opportunity and privilege to work with children and their families is a real honor and labour of love for me!
But enough from me, let's hear what the families and children I've worked with have to say!