Testimonials from Parents"My 9 yr old son started coaching with Jennifer last term to help him learn techniques to manage his anxiety. The program has been wonderful. My son looks forward to every session and has learnt so much (to be honest the rest of the family has learnt a great deal too!). We are only half-way through the program and already we have had positive feed-back from school and extended family to say they have noticed that he has improved (in other words he is using the skills he learns in coaching to manage his anxiety well). Jennifer is an amazing life-coach and relates so well to kids and parents. I wish every child could have the chance to learn the skills our son is learning!" "Blake has taken on lots of what you have taught him which is so nice to see, he stops himself and Stop, Drops and Rolls. He then tells me when I need to do it also. He is very aware of his actions and choices. We have had no issues with the stealing and his behaviour at school is awesome. I'm so proud of how far Blake has come and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help and guidance." "Thank you for all your hard work with Jada - she has grown very attached to you! I have to say that Jada has really blossomed this term and I’m really proud of her – she has tried to apply all the things she’s learnt and has had a great deal of success.The day of her debate there were no dramas at all and she went along happily to school. Typically she did well and her team won the debate. I have learnt a lot these past 10 weeks too. Again, thank you so much!" "You don't know how much what you do means to parents and kids, it's so so so important and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are changing lives and families!!!" I heard about your Train of Thought course for kids at just the right time. We had a rocky start to the school year and my daughter was feeling very upset and anxious at school. Allowing her some time to explore her feelings in a safe-haven, where she would be given tools to use when dealing with different situations at a time when she needed them most was a huge blessing. Over the course she became more and more confident - realising that her emotions and what other people did or said did not control her, but she was in charge of her thoughts (driving the train!). I think the thing that she found most useful, and she still continues with one year later is her gratefulness diary. We all know that kids often need to hear things from someone who isn't their mum or dad, and you have a wonderful way of explaining things to kids, helping them understand and drawing out answers from them. I think the particular success of the course is that it is you who is presenting it, and your empathy, knowledge and love of kids is obvious. I keep recommending your courses to friends and family. Thanks again for helping us through a very difficult time. The coaching sessions are helping Hannah become much more aware of negative thoughts and how they influence how she feels. She seems to be feeling better about herself too - not so hard on herself. Thank you for all your hard work with Lila - she has grown very attached to you! I have to say that Lila has really blossomed this term and I'm really proud of her - she has tried to apply all the things she's learnt and has had a great deal of success. Thank you so much Jennifer for the way you have worked with both of my children, firstly in the private coaching then with a partner for the Inspired Kids classes. "I think all kids would benefit seeing Jen. She is so passionate about what she does!" Thank you for sharing your inspirational knowledge with us. The process in how to manage out thoughts is something that will benefit our family for a lifetime. I have personally enjoyed the programme and benefited from it myself! Taylor has enjoyed the sessions and taken something from each away. I can see a change in his reactions - sometimes just a split second after the initial reaction as well as the time it takes him to get back on track if something has gone awry. Chantelle seems to have a new found peace about her and seems to have stopped paying so much attention to everything that everyone around her is saying. We think out son has gotten a lot out of the course. It has given us a shared vocabulary to discuss the issues we're facing together. Thank you for your help and guidance and for the service you offer families, it really is appreciated especially when it comes at the expense of time with your own family. Train of Thought has given us a language and framework to use at home and it has helped the kids understand how their thoughts and words influence their feelings, actions and outcomes. Breaking down the steps that lead to actions has been particularly helpful. Thank you Jennifer Lillian has really turned a corner over the last 6months and we are really happy with her progress. She is seemingly less anxious, happier in herself and is beginning to be more outgoing. We have also seen a shift with behavioural difficulties in the class room. Thanks so much for taking Liam through your Train of Thought course. He thoroughly enjoyed it and was a little sad to say goodbye after the final session. You really made an impact and he has been using the tools that you taught him. Hopefully you can bring your course into Birkenhead Primary School so every child has an opportunity to learn these skills. It should be compulsory! I have found the course really valuable and hope we can keep on track and continue learning. Thanks Jen - you're awesome!! |
from the mouths of babes"I used to be a very anxious kid but with the help of Jen and her inspired kids program I have improved majorly! I feel like I have become a very positive person. Coaching has helped lots at school. I have a toolkit full of strategies to overcome my anxiety and I can manage myself without getting too stressed now. It was nice to have someone to talk to who wasn't Mum or Dad. I think every child that feels anxious or needs some help should go see Jen and do one of her inspired kids programs. Thanks so much Jen! " "On the Inspired Kids - Train of Thought course I learned "how to have positive thoughts. To stop, think and do the right thing." "On the Inspired Kids - Train of Thought course I learned "to not be so hard on myself and that there are solutions to problems. To see that I can solve stuff with tthe tools and when I use them I know I can handle things and I feel stronger" "I've learned that having positive thoughts when going to school and saying nice things to myself, my family and friends is really important. Doing Train of Thought has also helped me with knowing my feelings and managing them better" "The best part was learning how to kick unhelpful passengers off. Sometimes it's easy and sometimes it's a bit tricky." "I liked EVERYTHING!!! about Inspired Kids. I learned loads and this will help me cope with tough times!" "The Inspired Kids - Train of Thought course "helped me with bullying, friendship problems and arguments" "Inspired Kids helped me a lot!" "Thank you for doing Train of Thought with us. I really enjoyed doing T.O.T and I am sure everyone did to. "Train of Thought inspired me to eat my vegetables and try new things/food." "I liked listening to everything Jen taught us. The Train of Thought has stopped me from doing bad things because I've been making better choices like getting organized in the morning so I'm not late for school." "The Train of Though explained things and gave me tools to help me think positively and stay on track. I really liked discussing things as a group." "Train of Thought helped me get my train on track, breathe properly and not get in a rage." "I've learned how to control myself better when I'm angry" "I liked learning how to achieve good outcomes" "Train of Thought helped me control my impulsivity" "I really liked getting to see how other people think. The Train of Thought can help you calm yourself down and learn skills to never give up" "I've been getting better at driving my Train. The Train of Thought has really helped me!" "Coaching has helped me change my perspective and control myself better so that I can get to the places I want to" "I learned how to control my Train of Thought and handle my emotions better. I can use my Train of Thought when I have a problem and it helps me stay positive." "I know how to be kind and encouraging to myself now - it is really important" "It was really good to get information about how to control yourself and stop stinky thinking. Sometimes it's hard but when you practice what you learn everyday and use the tools, it gets easier and easier." "Train of Thought was really fun. I liked playing the games, watching the videos and making some new friends. This is actually a program that can help kid's lives. It helps kids to get better at things, fix mistakes and learn how to make yourself un-sad. Instead of being unhappy you can think and feel happy. It's helped me be able to know what to say when I'm having a problem. I can communicate how I'm feeling and ask for help when I need it now. "I used to be all nervous and now I'm not." I loved learning about the Train of Thought and how to be more confident! The Train of Thought can help you think positive, speak positive and feel positive so that you can get a positive outcome" "Train of Thought can help kids understand more about their feelings. It has helped me with my anger a lot - with calming down" Train of Thought is all about thinking positively and being yourself. It can help kids learn to deal with bullies and people being mean to them by learning to let the dots slide off and not worry so much about what other people think. It can also help you understand where your feelings are coming from and how to deal with them. Train of Thought coaching has helped me not get as angry about the little things and to manage my feelings better. Train of Thought can help you stop your stinky thinking and do good things instead of bad things. It's all very helpful and I think it would be really helpful to keep doing it. "In coaching I learned to control myself better and to think and act in better ways." "Doing Train of Thought has really helped me with my emotions because they alway use to take control of me and now I know how to stay in control of them!" "Doing Train of Thought can help kids when they're mad to be more calm. It's helped me to cool down when I'm upset and also to choose helpful thoughts when facing challenges, like when I had to have a blood test." Doing coaching can give kids strategies to know what things they can do in their day to day life, like learning to use your cool tools and how to control your feelings, thoughts and words better. Doing coaching has changed my attitude and feelings rapidly. Before, I had an awful attitude but now my attitude is much better. I really enjoyed all of the sessions and the things I learned with Jen will really help me in my life." "Learning how to control my Train of Thought has helped me a lot with my feelings. I don't get so angry and overreact now and have learned not to be so scared." |
I just wanted to say how much Jack enjoyed his first session of Train of Thought! He was so apprehensive in the morning but met me at the school gates after school and told me "it was awesome!". We all talked about it at dinner that evening and even his change in attitude over that time was gorgeous to see. My other kids got involved and loved it too, so thanks! Can't wait for next week :)
Chell - Mother of 7 year old boy doing Train of Thought classes at school
Hi Jennifer,
Just wanted to say thanks for the great work you have put in with Tyler. As mentioned we have noticed the changes at home and the school also commented on the way in which Tyler conducts himself when confronted with issues in the class room. What I have found the most useful is the workbook that Tyler has been putting his work into. It has given us a great insight into his though processing and his emotional feelings about certain situations. Thanks again for all your great work!
Steve - Father of an 8 year old boy doing a 4-part private coaching block focused on anger management
I am so glad and thankful that Josh has this opportunity to work with you. He came home very happy last night and we worked together on the activities. After one session, this has already opened up lines of communication for us and I am so excited to see how he (and I) develop across the 8 sessions. I have seen your services advertised and have always thought that Josh could absolutely benefit from something like this. I to, as a child could have benefited from something like this. We do mirror or parent and I feel that Josh is much like myself in how we process our thoughts and manage the situations in our lives so I am very excited for this journey for us all. Thank you again and I look forward to learning more and developing along with Josh throughout this programme!
Natalie - Mum of 9 year old boy attending Train of Thought sessions at school